by A WORKING GROUP OF HIGH LEVEL EXPERTS edited by Philippe C. Schmitter Istituto Universitario Europeo and Alexander H. Trechsel Université de GenèveI. INTRODUCTION“Democracy is the word for something that does not exist.” (Karl Popper) For something that does not exist, democracy has certainly been much talked…
(di Giovanni Moro) Content -Paradoxes and purposes-The “Lab” of European Citizenship-Citizens’ Organizations and European Identity-Obstacles and threatening elements-Conclusive Remarks-References Paradoxes and purposes The issue of the building of a European identity seems to be challenged, among others, by two paradoxical matters of fact. The first is that,…
(di Giovanni Moro) Promemoria per una discussione sul pensiero politico del movimento di critica alla globalizzazione Premessa Al momento in cui questo articolo viene scritto (fine settembre 2001), è presto per dire se e in quale modo l’attacco terroristico dell’11 settembre a New York e a Washington…
(di Giovanni Moro) Paper presented at the Instituto Nacional de Administracao seminar“A face oculta da governanca: cidadania, adminstracao publica e sociedade”Lisbon, 19-20 November, 2001Published in The Journal of Corporate Citizenship. Issue 7, Autumn 2002, pp. 18-30 Table of contents - Introduction- Epistemological difficulties, some basic statements, two…
(di Giovanni Moro) The “Lab” of European CitizenshipDemocratic deficit, governance approach and non-standard citizenship 1. The challenge of European citizenship Today, the most important concern of European Union leaders and public opinion is citizens' lack of trust in Union institutions. In 2001, the Irish have rejected through…